

How to Get Ahead in Life

Key takeaways The saying “less is more” is really about focus. People lose focus on getting ahead in life because they have FOMO or TOMS.

Why Is Money Taboo to Talk About?

Key takeaways The PC culture we live in has made it difficult to discuss almost anything without offending someone, somewhere. You might think some of

Core Principles

The Importance of Establishing Credit

Key takeaways A recent study reports that millennials are extremely reluctant to take on any debt. By maintaining a debt-shy attitude, millennials are not establishing

Core Principles

5 Awful & Disgusting Money Habits

Key Takeaways Everybody is guilty of one or more awful, disgusting money habits at one time or another. The first step to eliminating them is

Core Principles

What You Need to Have the Perfect Day

Key takeaways Simplicity is the key to success if you want to have the perfect day. Keeping the steps to accomplish something, like the perfect