Key Takeaways

Are you a historian or a futurist? You probably have different answers depending on the subject, but let’s look at this question as it relates to doing your tax planning and completing your tax return.

To determine whether you are a historian or futurist, answer the following questions:

If you answered yes to these questions, you are a tax historian.

If you answered yes to these questions, you are a tax futurist.

Is it better to be a tax historian or a tax futurist? Let’s look at how these tax planning types operate to determine that.

The Tax Historian

This type of tax planner looks at the past. As the questions above show, they look at past tax returns, rely on paying the same amount every year, and are knowledgeable on the tax code of the past year. The disadvantage to being this type of planner is that you may have some surprises:

The Tax Futurist

As the name suggests, this type of tax planner looks to the future. As the questions above show, they do annual tax planning in the beginning of the year and they check out the new tax code to see if anything has changed that can benefit them. They also look at a few other things that a tax historian does not:

Being a tax futurist and not a tax historian is really what you want to strive for. As a futurist, you control the taxes as best you can to keep you from experiencing any costly surprises and put more money in your pocket. This ultimately helps you build wealth faster. It’s all about making good, smart tax choices!

Until next time, enjoy.


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