
Core Principles

Getting Your Credit Score Over 740

Key Takeaways The three credit reporting agencies set the rules for how your credit score is calculated. A good credit score is over 740, so


5 Money Changes When Buying a Home

Key Takeaways We tend to underestimate the true costs of things that might be new to us. If you’re buying a home, make sure you’re

Saving, Spending, and Borrowing

Responsibility with Credit Cards

Key Takeaways It’s a commonly held myth that having a lot of credit cards hurts your credit score. How you use your credit is what

Saving, Spending, and Borrowing

Online Purchase Installments: Good or Bad?

Key Takeaways Many online retailers offer the option to pay for items in installments. Installments may seem like a good idea, especially when there’s 0%

Saving, Spending, and Borrowing

The Impact of Millennials’ Spending and Saving

Key Takeaways The millennial generation is the largest part of the workforce in our country right now. As millennials age, the amounts they’re saving and


The Importance of Risk Management

Key Takeaways When you’re examining your finances, risk management is an important part of the big picture. We have insurance for a number of things