
Saving, Spending, and Borrowing

The Impact of Millennials’ Spending and Saving

Key Takeaways The millennial generation is the largest part of the workforce in our country right now. As millennials age, the amounts they’re saving and


The Importance of Risk Management

Key Takeaways When you’re examining your finances, risk management is an important part of the big picture. We have insurance for a number of things

Core Principles

3 Things You Need to Do to Be Successful

Key takeaways Rational optimism is far different that the stereotypical optimism. Successful people have a reasonable tolerance of risk. Become a rational optimist to be

Do You Enjoy What You Do?

Key takeaways Young people are working ten hours or more a day to get ahead. Working for the sake of work amounts to living life

Your Money Timeline

Key Takeaways When it comes to investing money, the order in which you invest matters. Before investing in anything, make sure your emergency fund is

Hustling Your Passion

Key Takeaways A side hustle is passion driven, not money driven. A recent survey by GoDaddy found that 50% of Millennials have a side hustle

The 50% Rule

Key Takeaways If you get a raise or your income increases for some reason, use the 50% Rule to take half of that increased income