

The Down Payment Myth

Key Takeaways A recent survey of 3,000 Millennials found that 53% of them said they hadn’t bought a house yet because they hadn’t saved enough

Is It Ok to Ask For Help?

Key Takeaways A recent study showed that many parents are still paying some bills for their adult children, mainly car insurance and cell phone bills.

Step Away from the Social Feed

Key Takeaways A recent study found that 57% of Millennials buy products online from ads or videos they see on their social feeds that they


Insuring Your Future

Key Takeaways A recent study found that 75% of young people, parents with children, don’t have life insurance. Some of the reasons given for not


Investing Expectations

Key Takeaways There’s a big difference in what the Millennial generation expects in terms of returns on investment in the stock market versus what their


The Estimated Tax Man

Key Takeaways If you work in the gig economy, you are considered self-employed. As a self-employed person, you have to pay estimated taxes quarterly, or

Smart Spending

Key Takeaways The idea that the more expensive the item, the better quality it is, no longer applies. Many of the decisions we make are

The Debt Shovel

Key Takeaways  How we take on debt and how we pay it back can be a bit of an intangible concept. When you initially take

The 50% Rule

Key Takeaways If you get a raise or your income increases for some reason, use the 50% Rule to take half of that increased income