

Building Your Retirement Pyramid

Key Takeaways A recent Aperion Cares survey found that one third of Millennials thought they could live off $200,000 in retirement. AARP says today, you


Investing Expectations

Key Takeaways There’s a big difference in what the Millennial generation expects in terms of returns on investment in the stock market versus what their

The 50% Rule

Key Takeaways If you get a raise or your income increases for some reason, use the 50% Rule to take half of that increased income

The “Freedom To” Future

Key Takeaways The current generations heading in to retirement no longer like to use that word as it holds a negative connotation, instead, think of

Saving, Spending, and Borrowing

All Together Now – The Wealth Portal

Key Takeaways There are many apps out there that can help you track your finances separately, but it’s cumbersome and time consuming. A wealth portal

Save First, Spend Second

Key Takeaways If you want to build wealth successfully, you need to save first and spend second. The rule of thumb when it comes to

Time is Money

Key Takeaways Many times, we look at the cost of something and don’t think about the implications of what that cost can do to help

Half the Clothes, Twice the Money

Key Takeaways When we get ready for a vacation, we typically pack too many clothes and don’t budget enough money. When we make big purchases,

Transforming Value into Money

Key Takeaways Great companies like Starbucks, Disney and Four Seasons understand that customers will pay a premium for a transformational product or service experience. Numerous