Your Money Timeline

Key Takeaways When it comes to investing money, the order in which you invest matters. Before investing in anything, make sure your emergency fund is set up and topped off. It’s important to know what your short, intermediate, and long-term goals are in order to know what assets you should invest in and when.

Scarcity Versus Abundance Mindsets

Key Takeaways A recent Prudential Financial survey of Millennials found that most of them had a rather somber view of their retirement years. Millennials grew up in a time of great technological advancements, but also some very significant events that have shaped a scarcity mindset when it comes to how they feel about the future. […]

Building Your Retirement Pyramid

Key Takeaways A recent Aperion Cares survey found that one third of Millennials thought they could live off $200,000 in retirement. AARP says today, you need about $1.18 million to live off $40,000 a year in retirement. While it may seem daunting, getting to $1.18 million by the time you retire is not hard considering […]

Investing Expectations

Key Takeaways There’s a big difference in what the Millennial generation expects in terms of returns on investment in the stock market versus what their parents, the Boomer generation, expect. Going back over 100 years, the return on investment in the stock market is about 10%. There are three things to keep in mind when […]

Cryptocurrency Confusion

Key Takeaways There’s a lot of confusion with cryptocurrencies and blockchain right now, especially since it’s been acting like a bit of a gold rush, causing people to spend a lot of money on something they may not know much about. Applications and the blockchain are very complicated to understand, but there is a lot […]

Don’t Be a Financial DIYer

Key Takeaways Doing your own financial planning comes with risks that can prove to be quite costly as your finances grow and become more complex. Starting off in life with a robo-advisor or digital platform to do your own financial planning is fine, especially when you have limited resources, but make sure it’s a reputable […]

The 50% Rule

Key Takeaways If you get a raise or your income increases for some reason, use the 50% Rule to take half of that increased income and save it or pay down debt. Many times when we have an increase in income, we spend it on things we don’t really need. That new increase in money […]

The “Freedom To” Future

Key Takeaways The current generations heading in to retirement no longer like to use that word as it holds a negative connotation, instead, think of that life transition as freedom from to freedom to. The Millennial generation has a different outlook from previous generations in terms of how they want their life to look and […]

Tax Planning – Not Just for the Wealthy

Key Takeaways While taxes may be certain in life, there are tax advantage strategies that can help lessen the toll taxes can take on your money. There are three tax advantage benefits to look for when we talk about tax planning: tax deductible, tax deferred, and tax free. Yearly tax planning can save you a […]

All Together Now – The Wealth Portal

Key Takeaways There are many apps out there that can help you track your finances separately, but it’s cumbersome and time consuming. A wealth portal puts all your finances in one place, providing you with a quick summary that you can easily glance over once a week to ensure nothing is amiss. Using a wealth […]