

Insuring Your Future

Key Takeaways A recent study found that 75% of young people, parents with children, don’t have life insurance. Some of the reasons given for not

Building Your Retirement Pyramid

Key Takeaways A recent Aperion Cares survey found that one third of Millennials thought they could live off $200,000 in retirement. AARP says today, you


Investing Expectations

Key Takeaways There’s a big difference in what the Millennial generation expects in terms of returns on investment in the stock market versus what their

Cryptocurrency Confusion

Key Takeaways There’s a lot of confusion with cryptocurrencies and blockchain right now, especially since it’s been acting like a bit of a gold rush,

Don’t Be a Financial DIYer

Key Takeaways Doing your own financial planning comes with risks that can prove to be quite costly as your finances grow and become more complex.

The 50% Rule

Key Takeaways If you get a raise or your income increases for some reason, use the 50% Rule to take half of that increased income

The Financial Advice Middle Ground

Key Takeaways The Millennial generation grew up in a time of financial uncertainty with the Dot com bubble and the Great Recession, and thus they

The “Freedom To” Future

Key Takeaways The current generations heading in to retirement no longer like to use that word as it holds a negative connotation, instead, think of

Financial Confidence Versus Competence

Key Takeaways There is a big difference between having confidence in your knowledge of something, and having actual competence in it. To bridge the financial

Have a Path and a Plan

Key Takeaways When you have to make a financial decision that could have a long term effect on your financial future, you want to have